Returns & cancellation

Have you changed your mind? Did the product not meet your expectations or did you buy the wrong size? Then you will find all the answers to your questions here.

  • How can I return or exchange my order?

    Returning your order is quick and easy:

    1. Visit "create a return" enter your order number and your email address, and click ‘create a return’. Select the items you may want to return and tick the box corresponding to your return reason. Then print the return form provided.
    2. Put your products, together with the return form in the box.
    3. Send your package to the address below. The costs are always for your own account.


      Returns Chouffe Webshop
      Schoenstraat 14 (warehouse 5)
      B-9140 Temse

    You cannot exchange or return your order in our physical shops.

  • How many days do I have to return my order?

    You can return all or part of your order up to 14 days after receiving your parcel.

  • How are my products refunded in case I do not want a new product?

    We will complete the refund after we have received your return in good condition, and it has been validated. We aim to complete your refund within 30 working days.

  • Can I exchange a product I bought in a physical shop via the webshop?

    No, only products that are ordered through our webshop can be exchanged.